MCCL K-3 Saturday Online Tournament

Starts: Mar 20, 2021 @ 9:00 AM

WHAT: MCCL K-3  Saturday Online Chess Tournament on

WHEN: Saturday at 9:00 a.m.


COST:  FREE for current MCCL members (join MCCL here)

WHO: Members of the Madison City Chess League Club on ChessKid (If you are a current MCCL member, you can be in the club and play. Let Ms. Bartlett know if you do not see yourself in the club at least a day before the tournament so you can be added.).

NEW DETAILSGame 20; 4 rounds; medals awarded online after tournament is over (extending the round time and inserting a 2 minute break to build stamina for State!)

ChessKid TipUse a computer Browser to access Live Chess, not a mobile device of any kind.

Here is an article telling you how to join tournaments on ChessKid.